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GeoGebraGeoGebra Classroom

Geoboard Math for Teachers

A. GeoGebra Geoboard

B. The Math Learning Center〈Interactive Geoboard〉

B. The Math Learning Center〈Interactive Geoboard〉

D. Geoboard image

D. Geoboard image

2S4 worksheet: Pinboard Triangles and Quadrilaterals

3S2 EdUHK Animated Singalong Mathematics〈Triangle〉

3S2 EdUHK Animated Singalong Mathematics〈Triangle〉

3S2 nrich〈Name That Triangle〉

4S2 Dissection of an isosceles trapezium

4M1 The Fence Problem

5M1 The Farmer's Gift

5M1 Pick's Rule 1997/04/11

5M1 Alex CHIK〈Pick's Formula〉

5M1 蔡聰明〈談求面積的Pick公式〉